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New Workshops and Panels are Live

We are thrilled to announce several new workshops and panels over the next month. These panels and workshops will be recorded and stored in our membership area, which will also be launching on September 1st.

These events include:

  • Podcast Confidential. Get the inside scoop on running a progressive podcast from some of the best in the business. This panel discussion is hosted by Harbinger Media Network and features podcasters Paris Marx, Megan Linton, and Sara Birrell. Kicking off at 7 PM Eastern on Sunday, August 21st.

  • Airtable for Organizing. Organizing is about relationships at scale - and to handle relationships at scale, you need to be able to manage your data. Airtable is an off-the-shelf, free and intuitive database program that allows for great data management techniques with no coding skills required. This workshop will take you through the basics in an interactive way; you'll leave the workshop with your own, functional Airtable database that you can use for whatever you want.

  • Debate Prep. As the municipal elections in Ontario draw near, candidates will be looking for every edge they can get. This workshop is intended to give candidates and their campaign managers the skills to get their key messages heard, define their opponents, and get in those memorable "zingers".

The full roster of events, including RSVP pages, can be found on our events page and is constantly updated with new trainings.

Got an idea for a training or workshop you'd like to see? Let us know here!

And as always, all of these trainings are 100% free - we do this to build and unite the progressive movement. If you find value in what we're sharing, you can help support our work here - but only donate if it won't be a hardship.

Keep organizing!

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